I've finally decided to jot my random thoughts into blogs. But what should be my main focus besides random trails of nonsense? Well, someone put it to me, "You like to eat, so why not write about that?" It's funny that she says that, the first time anyone would meet me they would think that the passion I have for eating is a lie....but shortly they will come to see that my passion goes beyond imaginable. I can thank my parents who have excellent cooking skills and also for exposing my siblings and I to a world of culinary exploration at an early age. Now, just because I enjoy eating doesn't mean I will eat anything and enjoy everything. I do have a particular palette. Take for instance, Lamb is a superb rack of meat that many enjoy and find to be their fine dining choice, as well as Uni, the sea urchin that sits on rice wrapped in nori in nigiri form waiting to squish in someone's mouth. Many will find these to be on their heart stopping, panty dropping list. As I, prefer neither of these. The taste and texture is just...well, not for me.
Sometimes, I am guilty of being a creature of habit, I know what I like at certain restaurants, and that is what I will always order. I do try though to break out....once in awhile!